Hello, Singapore ??

Our space for startups is open at the Shenton House, CBD

For an idea to reach its full potential, you need more than capital. You need an ecosystem that nurtures you, especially during the tough times. You need a space that instils confidence and amplifies your passion. That is why we are thrilled to announce we have opened an nVentures Singapore office at the Shenton House in the Central Business District (CBD) as a part of our three-phase strategy to provide a launchpad for our portfolio startups to go global.

Honoured to have Her Excellency, Sashikala Premawardhane, the High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to Singapore, attend our opening ceremony

You already know that we like to keep a relaxed easy work culture, but the work we do is steeped in strategy. We work closely with startups, and we keep track of market trends. With this experience, when we map the Sri Lanka startup ecosystem with the 4 growth phases identified by Startup  Genome, we believe that it’s time to move from the Activation phase to Globalisation.

Strategies that are most effective for each stage of development are different. Startups entering a new growth phase need a completely different set of strategies to thrive, and we are on a mission to make nVentures the launchpad to their success!

Phase 1 was all about creating the ecosystem. Last year we were all out consolidating our partnerships and networking to support our portfolio startups prep to go global. For example, we signed up with a company secretarial services to help our portfolio startups register their companies in Singapore so they have better visibility internationally. Rather than paying huge payments from the outset, as is the usual case, this partnership enables startups to get these services done based on an easy payment scheme. We have established strong connections with venture capitalists, enablers, and global tech giants within the startup ecosystem. Thanks to the relationships and trust we’ve built, these partners generously provide hospitality and support to our portfolio startups when they visit Singapore.

Phase 2 was to open the office in the CBD – the hub of all commercial and financial activities in Singapore, and home to some of the most prestigious local and international companies in the region. In fact, Facebook is just a stone’s throw away, in the opposite building! We opened this space in Singapore so you, our visiting portfolio startups from South and Southeast Asia, can comfortably hold all your important meetings, investor pitches and brainstorming sessions in the style that shows you mean business!

In Phase 3, our focus shifts to follow-on capital and raising awareness. We will actively engage with a diverse range of venture capitalists, multinational startup accelerators, PR agencies, legal advisories, and various other enablers. Our primary goal during this phase is to forge and consolidate partnerships that will enable our portfolio startups to secure the crucial capital and support they need to thrive. By establishing these strategic alliances, we ensure that our startups are equipped with the resources necessary for their success.

Why we do, what we do

As former founders, we understand firsthand the support we wished we had during the challenging journey of building our own startups. We encountered various obstacles and sometimes didn’t have the awareness of the support we truly needed. However, from these experiences, we gained valuable knowledge and insights. We recognised the opportunity to convert this hard-earned wisdom into an effective process that can expedite the funding and market entry for other early-stage startups. We aim to support and empower unique startups like you, by leveraging our learnings to guide them towards success.

We don’t believe in transactional and hierarchical relationships. Our ethos is based on being ‘founders for founders’ because we have been there, struggled and figured things out and had successful exits in the startup world, multiple times over!  We understand the struggles of fundraising and the importance of being founder-friendly. As an early-stage VC fund with a deep understanding of technology, we strive to significantly reduce your  MVP development time. This advantage is particularly valuable in the rapidly evolving tech landscape, providing you with a unique edge. 

For us, it is working together rather than dishing out requirements to fulfil, that gets us going! We know the importance of helping you to separate the relevant and irrelevant information and really understand the engine of a great startup and your potential for growth before you can start talking to VCs.   

We also have a community of startups for you to feed off from! We help innovative startups as mentioned before, across South and Southeast Asia, especially those from tier II and III cities, to navigate the challenges of building a successful business who all have valuable experiences to share! 

This is why we are excited about the opening of our Singapore office- as it is one more thing we can do to help you free up your time and resources to do what you do best-building your business!  We know that we can help early-stage startups overcome funding challenges and achieve sustainable growth if they concentrate on building great products! We look forward to partnering with you founders in South and South East Asia to help you bring your ideas to life and drive meaningful impact.